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Living Off Leash

Updated: May 10

Who are you when you live off leash?

As I am reintegrating into the self-exploration world - hey girl hey - I've been doing a lot of thinking around the self....

My dog, Captain Crunch and I walk every night. He just turned 2 #AriesDog so training is a part of our daily life. "Captain, being off leash is a privledge," I say to him after I throw his ball.. It's a privledge to be off leash... It made me start to think, how sad is that? To always live tethered. To always have limits. And then it made me wonder, who am I when I'm off leash?

I take my dog on a nightly walk and I let him off leash. And in that space he gets to be somebody that he's not when he's at home. He gets to live like nobody's watching. He gets to run like his life depends on it. He gets to be who maybe he dreams about in his puppy chasing.

Some may call it unsupervised, unhinged, untamed, your authentic self, or the shadow self. Who are you when no one is looking? When you can let your guard down and be your authentic self?

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